“Could not process this request. [ERROR]: Can't find 'Test Case Name' or 'Test Case ID' column in csv” error in AppVerify

Hello, I am trying to add my test cases using the dynamic type instead of creating them manually, so I created a CSV file that has some data but I am not able to add my test cases to my test plan. I am getting this error:

What am I missing?

@k_wang How did you create your CSV file? do you have test case id and name in it?

I think your CSV file format is not correct. Have you created it based on the default template?

I didn’t use any template. I just uploaded my CSV file…what is the correct format?

@k_wang In order to use the Dynamic variable source option, the file should have a specific format including test case ID and test case name. Please follow these steps to set up a dynamic variables file.

  1. Open your test plan and remove your process in step1 and add it again.
  2. Go to step 2 and open the Variables Options drop-down and select Dynamic. A pop-up appears asking if you would like to use an existing file, or create a new one.
  3. Click “Create a new file”. A CSV file will be created with the process variable names as headers, existing default test case as first row and the current variable values. The file is named _<process_name>_dynamic_process_vars.csv and is saved to the …Automai\Manager\media\rft_dynamic_files<test name> directory in the machine where AppVerify is installed.
  4. Go to the directory and open the CSV file.
  5. Add your test cases by entering test case name, test case ID and values. (Make sure to keep the format.)
  6. Once you are done, save the file; go back to the Manager and open your test plan again. It will display all the new test cases which get loaded from the file.

TIP: You may also upload the file in a different location and update the variable file path. Just keep in mind that the file must be on the same machine where AppVerify is installed.

To learn more about dynamic variable files, see this article.