I have many failures on one injector that does not have ScenarioBuilder, how can I get those failure screenshots in high resolution to take images from?
Hi Mac,
This is Ben from the support team, you will need to configure ImageStore on the injector machine, then you will able to copy the test’s failure images to ScenarioBuilder’s host, below is how to:
Configure ImageStore
Log into the Injector machine and go to the Injector installation folder (“…\Automai\Injector”).
Open vstation.ini file.
Edit and uncomment the following line:
//this is the base folder where screenshots of the desktop will be saved when an image is not found. by default, vstation does not save the failed screenshots
imagestore=c:\program files (x86)\automai \imagestore
Save the changes and close the file.
Once you are done, run the test again.
Copying test’s failure image folder
Log into the Injector machine and go to “…\Automai\ImageStore” folder.
Copy the desired folder for the failed action. (Sort them by “Date Modified” to see which folder is the latest one.)
Go back to the machine where ScenarioBuilder is installed and go to “…\Automai\ImageStore” or “…\Documents\ScenarioBuilder\Work\imagestore” folder.
Paste the folder. (You can overwrite it if the folder already exists.)
Launch ScenarioBuilder and open the desired scenario.
Find the image action, right-click on it and click “Smart Configurator”.
You will see all the failure screenshots from the Injector machine.
Try to recapture the failed image based on the failure screenshots or use the options (“Suggested Tolerance”, “Search area”,…) to find the best settings for the failed image.
Once you are done, save the changes and send your scenario again to the AppLoader Controller and Injectors.
Login to the Controller and execute the test again.