Hello everyone!
I have installed AppLoader in my laptop for trial…When I’m opening apploader, the number of connected users shows 0 in Injector. How to make it 1?
Hello everyone!
I have installed AppLoader in my laptop for trial…When I’m opening apploader, the number of connected users shows 0 in Injector. How to make it 1?
@jay20 The Injector process is running? It’s better if you install it in a server.
Hi @jay20,
Welcome to the Community!
When you install AppLoader suite on a PC, only one rUser (by default your name) should start automatically. Maybe you have an antivirus or UAC that is blocking the process that is responsible for launching the robot.
Go to Task manager: Look for process called VStation.exe and make sure it is running.
If it is not, do the following:
Go to Injector installation folder (default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Automai\Injector)
Run the “VStation.exe” file by double-clicking on it.
Remember if AppLoader suite is installed on a PC, rUsers cannot be defined and started. So you can only run a test with 1 user.