Why can't I archive my test plan runs anymore?

We recently upgraded our AppLoader to and cannot find test plan archive option anymore. Is this a bug?

Beginning from version, AppLoader does not support archiving feature anymore.

All new test plan runs will create their own small database file in AppLoader/apps/screenshots folder. This makes archiving (backing up) and transitioning from one machine to another easier.

This addition also prevents your AppLoader/data/AppLoader database from growing very large.

In order to archive or backup you older test plan runs, do the following:

  1. Search for previous test runs
  2. Find the ones that you want to backup by writing down its test plan run id or TPR ID

  1. Open AppLoader/apps/screenshots folder and copy the folders with those TPR IDs
  2. After you have backed up test runs you don’t want to keep in AppLoader, go ahead and delete them from AppLoader interface.
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