We are using AppLoader for our performance testing. I registered some Injectors but I am having an issue while defining rusers in the last Injector. It is a VDI machine. When I am trying to select the last injector and click on Define rUsers, nothing is coming. It works for other machines. I refreshed the page but it doesn’t work for the last Injector.
Hi Steve,
that is normal since the last Injector machine is a Windows PC machine and not a server, you will only be able to run 1 user on it. You can’t define/start users from AppLoader for this machine. You just need to make sure that the Injector and vstation processes are running on it.
Thanks man! I didn’t notice that. Now my problem is that it still shows 0 connected so how can I have one user if there is no way to start users?
Check this out: The number of connected users shows 0 in AppLoader. Why?
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